1. The Jerk- "Shut up and fix me my dinner, woman."
Also Known As: Creep, Loser, WhiteTrash
Advantages: None
Disadvantages: You're his new maid.
Also Known As: Creep, Loser, WhiteTrash
Advantages: None
Disadvantages: You're his new maid.
2. Nerd Boy- "With just this protractor and slide rule I can calculate the exact moment in time when you flee from me in disgust."
Also Known As: Doofus, Big Dork, Bill Gates
Also Known As: Doofus, Big Dork, Bill Gates
Advantages: Good earning potential, Never have to worry
where he is at night
Disadvantages: Has a face only a mother could love
3. The Cheapskate- "Let's go dutch treat at McDonalds."
Also Known As: Penny Pincher, Tightwad, Engineer
Advantages: Always has a lot of money
Disadvantages: Will never spend it on you.
Also Known As: Penny Pincher, Tightwad, Engineer
Advantages: Always has a lot of money
Disadvantages: Will never spend it on you.
4. The Couch Potato-"That's 350 lbs of pure muscle."
Also Known As: Doughboy, Lazy, Fatass
Advantages: Plenty of man to love
Disadvantages: May roll over on you in bed and crush you like a grape
Also Known As: Doughboy, Lazy, Fatass
Advantages: Plenty of man to love
Disadvantages: May roll over on you in bed and crush you like a grape
5. The Player-"We're just friends baby. You know I love you."
Also Known As: Male Slut, Smooth Operator, Dog
Advantages: Good in bed
Disadvantages: Has more STDs than you could name
6. Pretty Boy-"Should I go with mousse or gel in my hair today?"
Also Known As: Hottie, Good-Lookin, Babe
Advantages: Will make all your friends jealous
Disadvantages: Kiss your mirror-time goodbye
7. Mr. Can't Commit- "I just don't think 12 years is a long enough engagement honey."
Also Known As: Wishy-washy, Chicken, Confirmed Bachelor
Advantages: Leaves you free to date other guys
Disadvantages: You will die of old age before he admits you are his girlfriend.
Advantages: Leaves you free to date other guys
Disadvantages: You will die of old age before he admits you are his girlfriend.
Also Known As: One of the Guys, A Man's Man
Advantages: Muscular, Has lots of endurance
Disadvantages: Pats other guys on the butt, life revolves around Sports Center.